Python for Traders Masterclass

Python for Traders Masterclass

in on 06/30/2024
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  • ⭐ Learn online (no require download), easy download (Google Drive)
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  • ⭐ Last Updated Date: 06-30-2024
  • ⭐ Course Size: 484 MB

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Python for Traders Masterclass
Last modified
File size
Capstone Project Coding a Simple HFT Market Making Bot
Jun 30, 2024 me
Module 2 Python Fundamentals for Finance
Jun 30, 2024 me
Module 3 Working with Financial Data
Jun 30, 2024 me
Module 4 How to Code and Backtest a Trading Algorithm
Jun 30, 2024 me
Module 5 Automated Data Collection, Cleaning, and Storage
Jun 30, 2024 me
Module 6 Analyzing Fundamentals in Python
Jun 30, 2024 me
Module 7 Options & Derivatives Pricing Models
Jun 30, 2024 me
Module 8 Introduction to High-Frequency Trading
Jun 30, 2024 me
Project 1 Research & Backtest a Realistic Trading Algorithm
Jun 30, 2024 me
Project 2 Volatility Surface Analysis Tool
Jun 30, 2024 me
Project 3 Design & Build a Limit Order Book
Jun 30, 2024 me
My Drive
Python for Traders Masterclass
Capstone Project Coding a Simple HFT Market Making Bot
Last modified
File size
Jun 30, 2024 me
53.8 kB
Project Overview Building a Simple Market Making Bot Python for Traders.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
209.1 kB
Project Summary Python for Traders.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
213.9 kB
Solution Add Alpha to the Pricing Strategy Python for Traders.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
216.2 kB
Solution Define a System and Class Architecture Class Architecture Python for Traders.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
211.7 kB
Solution Define the Event Loop Solution Define the Event Loop Python for Traders.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
210.3 kB
Solution Implement the Data Feeds Python for Traders.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
208.3 kB
Solution Implement the Order Manager Python for Traders.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
211.6 kB
Step 1 Define a System and Class Architecture Python for Traders.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
205.3 kB
Step 2 Define the Event Loop Python for Traders.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
208.4 kB
Step 3 Implement the Data Feeds Python for Traders.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
208.7 kB
Step 4 Implement the Order Manager Python for Traders.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
211 kB
Step 5 Add Alpha to the Pricing Strategy Python for Traders.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
213 kB
My Drive
Python for Traders Masterclass
Module 2 Python Fundamentals for Finance
Last modified
File size
Jun 30, 2024 me
42.7 kB
2.1. Python Installation and Setup UsageLesson Summary Python for.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
139.7 kB
Jun 30, 2024 me
30.1 MB
Jun 30, 2024 me
10.6 MB
Jun 30, 2024 me
6.9 MB
Jun 30, 2024 me
16 MB
2.3. Basic Python ExpressionsVariables ConditionalsLoopsLesson Summary Python for.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
148.9 kB
Jun 30, 2024 me
5.9 MB
2.4. Intermediate Python FunctionsClassesData StructuresSummary Python for.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
151.4 kB
2.6. Data Science in Python Python for.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
128.1 kB
2.7. Key library Pandas Diving Deeper into pandas.DataFramesExample Loading Stock Data from Yahoo! FinanceLesson Summary Python for.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
146.9 kB
2.8. Key library NumPy Example Computing Stock ReturnsLesson Summary Python for.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
145.4 kB
2.9. Key library Matplotlib Lesson Summary Python for.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
152.3 kB
2.10. Key library Statsmodels Hypothesis TestingRegressionsTime Series AnalysisLesson Summary Python for.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
146 kB
2.11. Key library Scikit-learn Lesson Summary Python for.htm
Jun 30, 2024 me
154.3 kB
Jun 30, 2024 me
138 kB
Jun 30, 2024 me
175.3 kB

Introducing the Python for Traders Masterclass, a comprehensive course designed to teach you the ins and outs of Python programming specifically tailored for traders. In this 8-week course, you will delve into various modules that cover everything from the fundamentals of Python for finance to advanced topics such as high-frequency trading and options pricing models. The course is perfect for both beginners looking to enter the world of algorithmic trading as well as experienced traders seeking to enhance their skills and stay ahead in the competitive finance industry.

The first module, “Capstone Project Coding a Simple HFT Market Making Bot,” sets the tone for the course by introducing you to the concept of high-frequency trading and market making strategies. You will learn how to code a simple bot that can execute trades at lightning speed, giving you a competitive edge in the fast-paced world of finance. This hands-on project will lay the foundation for the rest of the course, building your confidence and skills as a Python trader.

Moving on to Module 2, “Python Fundamentals for Finance,” you will learn the basics of Python programming language and how to apply it specifically to financial data. This module will equip you with the necessary tools and knowledge to handle complex financial data sets, analyze trends, and make informed trading decisions. With a solid understanding of Python fundamentals, you will be well-prepared to tackle the more advanced modules that follow.

In Module 4, “How to Code and Backtest a Trading Algorithm,” you will take your skills to the next level by learning how to develop and test your own trading algorithms. This module will teach you how to code various trading strategies, backtest them using historical data, and optimize them for maximum profitability. By the end of this module, you will have the skills and confidence to design and implement your own trading algorithms with Python.

One of the highlights of the course is Module 7, “Options & Derivatives Pricing Models,” where you will explore the complex world of options pricing and derivatives. This module will introduce you to advanced mathematical models used to price options and derivatives, giving you a deep understanding of how these financial instruments work. By mastering options pricing models, you will be able to make more informed and profitable trading decisions in the derivatives market.

In addition to the comprehensive course modules, you will also have the opportunity to work on three practical projects that will test your skills and knowledge in real-world trading scenarios. From researching and backtesting a realistic trading algorithm to designing and building a limit order book, these projects will challenge you to apply what you have learned in a hands-on setting. By completing these projects, you will not only demonstrate your mastery of Python for trading but also build a portfolio of work that can showcase your skills to potential employers in the finance industry.

In conclusion, the Python for Traders Masterclass is the ultimate resource for anyone looking to master Python programming for trading. With a focus on practical skills and real-world applications, this course will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed as a Python trader in today’s competitive finance industry. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your trading skills and future-proof your career with the Python for Traders Masterclass. Sign up today and take your trading to the next level!

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