Dan Henry – Brand Authority Profits

Dan Henry – Brand Authority Profits

in on 05/20/2024
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  • ⭐ Learn online (no require download), easy download (Google Drive)
  • ⭐ Ensure to get all files in the file list
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  • ⭐ Last Updated Date: 05-20-2024
  • ⭐ Course Size: 11.3 GB

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Dan Henry - Brand Authority Profits
Last modified
File size
1-Introduction and Basics.mp4
May 20, 2024 me
75.2 MB
2-RMS For Your Book.mp4
May 20, 2024 me
642.8 MB
3-Things You Will Need to Take Advantage of a Brand Authority Book.mp4
May 20, 2024 me
392 MB
4-1st Q_A.mp4
May 20, 2024 me
249.6 MB
5-The Elements of the Book.mp4
May 20, 2024 me
1.5 GB
6-Planning The Book _ Q_A-003.mp4
May 20, 2024 me
2 GB
7-Writing, Publishing, Printing _ Shipping Your Book.mp4
May 20, 2024 me
640.2 MB
8-The Book Funnel P1.mp4
May 20, 2024 me
754.4 MB
9-The Book Funnel P2.mp4
May 20, 2024 me
564.8 MB
10-Scripts For Sales Video and Upsell Video.mp4
May 20, 2024 me
1.4 GB
11-Launching and Advertising the Book-001.ts
May 20, 2024 me
3 GB
May 20, 2024 me
1 MB
First Q_A - Brand Authority Profits u00b7 Get Clients University.pdf
May 20, 2024 me
178 kB
Introduction and Basics - Brand Authority Profits u00b7 Get Clients University.pdf
May 20, 2024 me
135 kB
Scripts For Sales and Upsell Videos - Brand Authority Profits u00b7 Get Clients University.pdf
May 20, 2024 me
237.5 kB
The Book Funnel Part 1 - Brand Authority Profits u00b7 Get Clients University.pdf
May 20, 2024 me
182.1 kB
The Book Funnel Part 2 - Brand Authority Profits u00b7 Get Clients University.pdf
May 20, 2024 me
183.7 kB
The Elements of the Book - Brand Authority Profits u00b7 Get Clients University.pdf
May 20, 2024 me
166.3 kB
_Needs to Take Advantage of a Brand Authority Book - Brand Authority Profits u00b7 Get Clients University.pdf
May 20, 2024 me
184.8 kB

The digital era has ushered in a revolution in the way we do business, with massive online platforms leveling the playing field and making it possible for anyone with an internet connection to become an entrepreneur. However, establishing a strong, successful online brand takes more than just a good idea and a user-friendly website. It requires knowledge, strategy, and constant adaptation to ever-changing market dynamics. Resourcefulness and resilience are indispensable. This is where Dan Henry – Brand Authority Profits comes in.

This comprehensive suite of expertly designed learning resources offers a crash course in brand-building. Derived from a previously exclusive two-day event costing $20,000, Dan Henry – Brand Authority Profits is now accessible to any aspiring brand builder for a discounted price of just $49.

Imagine getting the low-down on brand authority and innovation, complete with specifics, without having to leave your comfort zone or break the bank. The course begins with an enlightening video on the fundamentals of business and brand-building. With the course’s introductory module, “Introduction and Basics.mp4,” newbies will find a bird’s eye view of the marketing landscape, while seasoned entrepreneurs can use it as a refresher course on the basics they might have forgotten.

Moving on, the course shifts gear to delve deeper into specific strategies for brand-building. In the video lecture “RMS For Your Book.mp4,” learners will acquire vital knowledge about RMS or Rights Management Services, a critical tool for protecting their intellectual works. In “Things You Will Need to Take Advantage of a Brand Authority Book.mp4,” learners will be given a comprehensive checklist of essentials required for writing and publishing a successful brand authority book. Subsequent modules tackle how to plan a book, write, publish, print, and even ship it.

When it comes to marketing a brand authority book, Dan Henry – Brand Authority Profits offers comprehensive guidance in creating a sales funnel. The course discusses this concept in two parts, “The Book Funnel P1.mp4” and “The Book Funnel P2.mp4.” It doesn’t stop there, either. “Scripts For Sales Video and Upsell Video.mp4” will help course participants create engaging videos to persuade customers to buy their products or services.

The last module “Launching and Advertising the Book-001.ts” delves into the aspects of launching and advertising a brand authority book. But wait, there’s more! The package also includes PDF files that serve as additional reading materials, which will deepen your understanding of the topics discussed in the video lectures.

Participants from the live event who took full advantage of Dan Henry – Brand Authority Profits have since built successful brands and businesses. This online course promises the same comprehensive guidance. Whether you are just starting your business or trying to scale it, this course offers a blueprint that leads to success in brand-building. Navigate the challenging terrain of digital entrepreneurship with an established guide at your side. Assemble your intangible assets and establish a brand that can stand the test of time with Dan Henry – Brand Authority Profits.

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